New Year's Eve is taking place tonight, in which we will welcome the year of 2015. I can't believe how quickly 2014 passed by. It's feels as if I'm a couple of steps behind, not fully aware of the fact that a new year is upon us. It's like Yoko Ono once said: "Time is a concept humans created" (and I couldn't agree more).
2014 has been a year of both ups and downs, both personal as blog wise. I had to fight against doubts and writer's blocks more than once, at which I would sit with my laptop on my lap and just stare blankly at the screen. But, on the other hand, I also had the chance to attend some great events, meet inspiring people, purchase some pretty items for my closet and go through some amazing experiences; things I never though would happen when I wrote my first blogpost way back in 2009.
I thought it would be fun to make a selection of my blog's highlights in 2014.
Are you curious to see which ones made the cut? Here we go!