These pictures were taken after the Eleonora Carisi For Zalando event in Antwerp, of which I'll write a post about as soon as I get my hands on the official pictures taken that day. When the event was over, Annebeth, Paulien and I wanted to go outfit shooting, but we found ourselves in between rain and a stormy wind. Thank God the MAS museum was just around the corner, which was both our shelter and shooting location.
This Filles A Papa blazer has been hanging in my closet for ages, but I never found the perfect opportunity to wear it. When I was looking for an outfit to wear to the event, I threw these pieces together randomly and I fell in love right then and there. I know some of you won't like the white, gold and checked combo, but I think they all work well together.
Blazer: FILLES A PAPA (ON SALE NOW) // Blouse: H&M // Pants: H&M // Shoes: VANS
This Filles A Papa blazer has been hanging in my closet for ages, but I never found the perfect opportunity to wear it. When I was looking for an outfit to wear to the event, I threw these pieces together randomly and I fell in love right then and there. I know some of you won't like the white, gold and checked combo, but I think they all work well together.
Blazer: FILLES A PAPA (ON SALE NOW) // Blouse: H&M // Pants: H&M // Shoes: VANS