I wanted to wait with writing this post until I had IT officially in my hands,
but I'm so happy that I just have to tell you...
I finally have the YSL Oval Arty-ring!
I know, a lot of people have that ring, but I don't really care.
I've always loved big, chunky jewelry, so it was love at first sight when I saw this ring.
The thing I didn't really love, was the search for the ring:
- Sold out at Net A Porter.
- Not sold out at Saks, but they didn't ship it to Belgium.
- No YSL-stores or distributors around.
I can tell you that it was REALLY frustrating.
But then I heard that my sister and brother-in-law were going to New York,
and I immediately gave them some orders for the first day they would be there (which was yesterday):
'You must go to Saks, Bergdorf Goodman, Henry Bendel and the YSL-store (of course) as soon as you arrive in NYC.'
I literally drove them crazy - I kinda feel bad about it now...
Well, yesterday I got the message that the dark blue YSL Oval Arty-ring was officially mine!
My brother-in-law even posted a teaser picture of the ring on my Facebook to drive me even more crazy. :)
So, you probably can imagine that I'm all smiles now, and not to mention also very impatient.
The search is finally over!
Of course, I'll post other pictures as soon as I have my baby, which will probably be next Friday.
So, to my sister and brother-in-law:
Thank you so much. The effort you guys did really means a lot to me!
I love you both!

ReplyDeleteIk wil die ook, ma int zilver met een groene steen :(
Wauw die is super!
ReplyDeleteJust discovered your blog, I like it!
ReplyDeleteI want that ring!but I'm in the same case as you, no YSL stores distributors...
Waw! Erg leuk! Als ik iets echt wil, kan ik mensen daar ook zo voor opjagen ;-) dus voel je er niet slecht over!
Ja, Scott is echt klein. Had hem groter voorgesteld, toen hij aankwam begon ook iedereen te fluisteren van 'hij is klein' enz.. Ik was wel vrij zenuwachtig want zo iemand ontmoet je ook niet iedere dag en toen ik hem dan mijn boek liet signeren was hij echt geinteresseerd in uw persoon (das wel petje af voor hem). En ik was ook over Garance Doré begonnen dat ik haar werk ook heel goed vond en ineens werd ie zo verlegen en draaide hij zijn hoofd weg (dat was wel een leuk momentje. Zo zie je iemand zijn menselijke kant eens).
ReplyDeleteDe foto's had ik al gezien (ben gewoon alle blogs afgegaan die erover schreven ;-) en uw zus had ik ook gezien.
Mag ik vragen in welke winkel je werkt in MM? Dan zal ik eens gedag komen zeggen :-)
P.S.: je ring is geweldig (wil hem ook en ga heel hard zoeken in Italië :-p )
Lucky you!!!
ReplyDeleteIk wil de turquoise, maar mijn maat is telkens uitverkocht =S
oh how cute!! i love stories like this!! congrats and enjoy...and take a picture for us, of course. :)
ReplyDeleteBeautiful ring! really love it!
love this ring so much!