Hi guys,
I just wanted to give you a short update on my two latest additions to my closet and my favorite trend for spring and summer. During a shopping spree at Zara, I came home with two new pair of shoes. #SorryNotSorry Can I also give a shoutout to the best boyfriend in the world -- which is mine -- for letting me shop without pointing out the amount of shoes that are already in my closet? I love you, babe.
After taking this picture, I realized that there was a third pair that I got at Zara (again, #SorryNotSorry) and I forgot to photograph; you can see and shop them here. I've been wearing espadrilles for as long as I can remember and apart of the fact that they are super comfy, I also love that are made out of leather. It gives them that extra edgy vibe. If you're a longtime follower of the blog, you know I love myself some leather goodies.
The flower printed ankle booties were on my wish list for quite a while, but they seemed to be missing from every Zara store I visited. I even ordered my aunt and boyfriend to look for them in the Netherlands, without any result. Didn't I tell you that I have the best boyfriend in the world? Anyway, I had already given up on them when I entered the Zara-store in Düsseldorf and they were the first thing I saw. I already wore them with an all black outfit, but I can't wait to combine them with a casual white shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans.
As for the tropical printed babouche slippers on the right: they're the ultimate love or hate thing. If I had a say in it, I would choose them as my favorite trend for this spring and summer. They're casual but edgy and the options on how to wear them are endless. Plus, don't we all love a romantic, Arab, Aladdin vibe? I spotted this pair and tried them on at the Zara in Maastricht, but didn't get them because my sister kept telling me how much she hated them. When I was laying in bed, all I could think was: since when do I listen to other people's opinion? It literally felt as if I neglected my morals and values. *Insert dramatic tune here* So the next day, I asked my boyfriend to take me to Maastricht again (best boyfriend) and the shoes and I lived happily ever after.
I also spotted another pair of babouche slippers, this time by Jeffrey Campbell, but they are sold out everywhere! #Cries They're called the Sarika-Emb flats and they're so Dolce & Gabbana. Most people will think they're too much, but I think they're the coolest. I already subscribed myself to receive an email when they're going to be restocked, so fingers crossed! What are your thoughts on them?

© Images by JeffreyCampbellShoes.com
Oooh leuke aankopen! Ik heb de blauwe laarsjes ook! 😄