
Shark Attack Loves... // Peaches & Pixie Geldof

Peaches en Pixie Geldof have always fascinated me with their outfits. For those who do not know who they are (shame, shame!): Peaches and Pixie are the daughters of Boomtown Rats singer and Live Aid / Live 8 founder Bob Geldof and the late Paula Yates.
These girls are one of the few people who can put almost everything on and get away with it. 

Which Geldof sister is your favorite?
Click below to see some of my favorite Geldof-pictures.

P.S.: In some weird way, Peaches reminds me of Lady Gaga. I think they look like each other. Don't you?


Video // Jimmy Choo For H&M Hysteria


Yesterday, H&M launched the Jimmy Choo-collection & boy, I'm so glad I didn't wait in line to get some goodies! Why? Check out the craziness in the following video! Since some of you may not understand Dutch, it basically comes to this:

So, they were letting in groups of 20 people at a time and they only had 10 minutes to search and try on the shoes they wanted. Excuse me, but I am NOT ready in 10 minutes. I would rather save up some more and get me a more exclusive pair of Jimmy Choos, with no one telling me how much time I have to choose and try them on!


Fashion Show // Luella S/S 2010


I was clicking around on , when I bumped into Luella's RTW Spring 2010-show. I don't like all the designs,but a couple off them popped out. Those models look like a cotton candy Pebbles Flinstone, don't you think? And I love their eyeshadow, but a little voice keeps telling me I would look like a total idiot if I would try it out myself.

x Krizia

Personal // 20th Birthday

Today's my 20th birthday, and even if it's raining and nearly storming outside, I decided to dress up just a little bit. I'm not going to do very much today, because I have to work for my internship. :(

Maybe I'll have a drink with some friends tonight... I'm having a small birthday party for my family and friends on Saturday.
Pictures will follow later!

Dress: NEW LOOK // Tights: H&M


Outfit // Fashion's Night Out

It's been a while... but I still love my t-shirt!
My sister was in the Big Apple right before the start of the Fashion Week, and she brought me this t-shirt as a souvenir. (Thanks, sis'!) And I must admit that I am proud that Anna Wintour & Sarah Jessica Parker (and so many others) were seen wearing the same shirt. Who wouldn't be?

P.S.: I have a four-week-during internship coming up, so I won't be able to post so frequently as usual... *sniff*

Shirt: GIFT // Jegging: ZARA // Bag: CHANEL